The Meditation Center Beatenberg opened its doors at the end of 2000. Since 1978 the precursor organisation, Dhamma Gruppe Switzerland, organized over a hundred meditation retreats and other Buddhist seminars under the guidance of qualified Asian and Western teachers. The center offers various forms of meditation from among the great wealth of Buddhist practices, continuing thereby a tradition of 2500 years, at the same time introducing forms and methods that are helpful in our modern times.
Meditation Center Beatenberg
Among the various approaches to meditation, there is a particular emphasis on insight meditation (vipassana) and on the meditations of the heart (metta, karuna, tong-len etc.). Insight meditation is a simple and direct way to explore body, mind and heart. A balanced awareness grounded in the present moment leads to a growing sensitivity and understanding of the nature of life allowing for wisdom and compassion to emerge. Through the meditations of kindness and compassion an attitude of openness and respect in relationship to ourselves and others unfolds.A number of retreats from the Tibetan traditions are also being offered.
In order to participate in our retreats it is in no way necessary to define oneself in ones religious affiliation or to identify with Buddhist or other religious ideas or principles. Instead, it is a deep interest in inner growth, in liberating wisdom and in compassionate action that is the motivation for such practice.
Generosity and Support
There are six people working part time at the center for relatively moderate salaries. A number of others freely contribute their time and energy to ensure the overall administration of both, the trust (Stiftung) and the center. In addition, there has been an amazing number of volunteers who have offered their skills, their time and their energy since the centers existence. We would like to express our gratitude and appreciation for all the generous help.
During and in-between retreats the center needs people who help as assistant cooks or as main cooks or help with cleaning, with gardening or with other jobs. It is a way of supporting the center and an opportunity to strengthen ones practice by combining meditation, daily life practice and generous service (5 hours per day). Please contact the center for further information.
We also wish to express our gratitude to the many friends who have supported the center through their generous contribution of money or gifts. It is in this way and this way only, that this center is made possible and will continue to serve as a place for the development of the wondrous human qualities of wisdom, kindness and compassion.