Please register either online via our website, by mail or fax with our registration form, one separate form for each course and each person.
On request our office will send a registration form or you can use the registration form on our homepage. We cannot accept registration by phone.
Terms and conditions
Registration Procedure
Your registration obligates you to the following:
The course fee has to be settled no later than 4 weeks before the beginning of the course. Otherwise, we will cancel the registration and offer the place to another participant.
Course fees of more than CHF 500.– (€ 500,-) can be paid in two parts: The first half together with the registration, the second half up to 4 weeks before beginning of the course.
Please always mention the course number.
Within 14 days after registration, a confirmation letter will be sent out.
Cancellations are only accepted when made in written form (email in particular). When cancelling your registration the following fees apply for in-person, livestream or online courses:
- Up to 2 weeks before beginning of the course: CHF 75.–.
- Less than 2 weeks before beginning of the course: The full course price (except for cases of hardship).
In case of a no-show or leaving the retreat early the whole course fee is due.
Refunds of cancelled places
Paid-in course fees, less the appropriate cancellation fee, will be refunded to your bank account.
- People who cannot afford the course fees because of low or no income are welcome to apply for course fee reduction. Please contact the manager.
- Pupils, trainees and students can receive a reduction of up to 70% of the course price on request. Please make a note of this when registering. The validatin of your present educational status can be sent via Email.
Waiting list
- When registering for a course showing a waiting list, please do not transfer any funds yet. You will be receiving a waiting list confirmation including all necessary information.
- In case of cancelling from the waiting list please let us know immediately by e-mail or phone.
If places become available up to four weeks before the course, these will automatically be given to people on the waiting list.
Should there still be places available 4 weeks before the beginning of the course, we will write to everyone on the waiting list to inform you of this. The available places will then be allocated on a first come first served basis.
Course Fees
The course fee covers – even not completely! – room and board, travel expenses of the teachers, a modest salary for the house team as well as administrative expenditures and running costs of the center. A lot of work is done on a voluntary, unpaid base.
Donations for Teachers
According to the Buddhist tradition the teachings cannot be measured by material values and are therefore given entirely free of cost, the teachers demanding no fee whatsoever. To cover the cost of their livelihood and to ensure the continuation of their teaching activities, the teachers entirely depend on voluntary donations by the course participants at the end of retreats. Most of the teachers at our center live entirely on donations and have no other income.
The foundation, the center and the teachers decline all liability for any damage occurring to a person or to possessions in connection with the retreat. Meditation retreats in silence and with limited social exchange are often not suitable for people with a psychiatric history. It is advisable to contact the teacher prior to registration.